Lee Miller
collaborative project with artist Hayley Mathers
2013 to 2021
In 2013 the collaborative project with artist Hayley Mathers about the surrealist photographer Lee Miller began. By looking into her extraordinary life, from fashion model, Vogue photographer, war correspondent and award winning chef, the artists related her life to theirs by trying to understand the decisions which shaped her life.
By re-enacting processes in her practice, following her recipes and visiting key places in her life, the artists shared experiences and learned from Miller and each other. Throughout the programme of activities they developed a series of drawings, sculptures, and actions which acted as a way for them to record and express the excitement in what they found.

A Dinner for Lee, Pitt Street, Edinburgh, 2014
Following a number of Miller's own recipes the artists hosted a dinner party for friends and peers. This gave them a chance to share their research in a way that was in-keeping with the life of Lee.

A Birthday Party for Lee Miller, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Studio 8, 2014
To celebrate Lee Miller's birthday (23 April 1907) the artists threw a birthday party in one of their studios at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop. The artworks on display acted as a talking point for different aspects of Miller's life. Food for the party was all inspired by Miller's recipes and included the following; coke floats, penroses, saffron biscuits, Persian carpet, and a birthday cake.

Children’s workshop at Victoria and Trinity Primary School, August 2015
Working with children from Victoria and Trinity primary school, Duffy and Mathers facilitated workshops where the children created a range of hats and headdresses. The hats were inspired by an article that Miller wrote for British Vogue about wartime Parisian women making hats out of increasingly unusual materials in order to keep up the appearance of glamour.


Make Bake Cook Book, Artists' Tuck Shop, 2020
Based in Glasgow, Artists' Tuck Shop aims to support artists to raise income through art-related projects and initiatives. At the beginning of 2020 they received National Lottery funding administered through Creative Scotland, to create Make Bake Cook Book. This cookbook features 25 artists based across Scotland, who fuse their passion for cooking with their art practice. After an open call, Duffy and Mathers were successful in their application to be one of the featured artists.