It began today,
something so unflinching
that death is an unknown.
An invisible pull.
Rhythmic gestures to a beat that exists
only for my limbs.
My day goes on, watchful looks from
passers-by but their gaze barely registers.
I’m in this moment, whatever this is.
What starts as an unawareness
of why my body is reacting like this,
slowly moves into obsession.
My movements continue into the night.
The friction of my skin against my shoes
my shoes against the rough terrain beneath.
I ache.
If I had the energy and strength it would continue
but my body has failed me.
I collapse.
Exhaustion has taken over,
it wins for now.
I wake,
it begins again.
my reprieve from this all-encompassing dance is over.
The gaze from others is different now.
My eyes meet theirs.
An understanding reflected.
Part of me is confused as we mimic one another.
We gather in crowds,
as our bodies pulse as one.
A collective expression of frenzy and disorder.
Our violent gestures,
our bodies pounding.
Limbs thrown out,
reaching for an unseen entity
begging to end this.
Everything is given to this dance.
My blistered bloody bruised body.
Piss and shit flow during this God-awful prance.
Ecstasy filled gestures,
for my final descent
to a red soaked hearse.

The perfect pair they say.
The ultimate double act
me and this guy.
A dance for two
designed by two
with me never in mind.
I spin, twirl, jump, hop and tap.
Never to be left behind
never to let them see me dip.
Even as the pain seeps into every pore of my being.
The need to continue never waning.
Even with the beginnings of what can only be bleeding.
A trickle of sweat, from temple to neck,
makes its way to my lower back
and down to my heel cracks.
Here the fluids collide.
The sole - a mixing pot of sickly salty
sweat and claret covered crevices.
Slippers turned blood red
as they are pushed and punished in
pursuit of perfection.
Fuck sake Fred.

A cushion of air from between my feet
lifts me to the heavens.
Euphoria in this endless beat.
Through this pulsation I’m reaching higher.
Now death does not own this ecstasy,
I’m soaked in desire.
Perspiration of the trance,
bodies vibrating
heightened by this mass.
An ecstatic madness
followed by a kind of daze
as I return to my palace.